/BCO-DMO/MCESponge/sponge --site eq Jamaica_W-Z-- Level 1

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#  Sponge density and cover
#  PI: Michael Lesser
#  Version: 2018-11-04
site                            Lat_N    Lon_E      Notes                                                                                                                     
Jamaica_W-Z                     18.5000  -77.3333   Percent cover is defined by these authors as Percent Cover of Available Substrate calculated from 0.2 m^2 photoquadrats   
Depth  Percent_Cover  Percent_Cover_SE  Abundance  Abundance_SE  
1      0              0                 nd         nd            
5      0              0                 nd         nd            
15     1.7            0.87              nd         nd            
22     2.2            0.82              nd         nd            
30     6.2            3.47              nd         nd            
45     4.6            1.43              nd         nd            
60     13.9           3.06              nd         nd            
75     17             2.35              nd         nd            
90     27.5           2.81              nd         nd            
120    20             3.57              nd         nd